Tutorials Manager Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Account Options User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period eLeaP PMP User Roles Administrator User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period Admin: Settings > Integrations Admin: Settings > Organization Chart Admin: Settings > Actions Management Admin Welcome to PMP AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Admin: Settings > Check-ins Admin: Surveys > eNPS Admin: Surveys > Survey Terms Admin: Surveys > Survey Metrics Admin: Surveys > Add a Survey Admin: Settings > Webhooks Admin: Settings > Categories Admin: Settings > Billing Admin: Settings > Modules Admin: Settings > Gamification Admin: Settings > Branding Admin: Settings > Smart Assigning Admin: Settings > Custom Fields Admin: Settings > General Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Admin: Settings Overview Admin: Audit Trail Overview Form Templates Overview Admin: Teams & People Overview Admin: Surveys Overview Admin: Reviews Overview Admin: Goals Overview Check-ins: Add a Check-in Admin: Check-ins Overview Weekly Status: Reports & Analytics Weekly Status Overview How to sort or filter Goals Admin: How to delete Goals Admin: How to manage inactive Goals Admin: How to edit Goals Admin: How to create Goals Admin: System Menu Overview Admin: Dashboard Overview All Users PulsePoint - Mine PulsePoint - By User Weekly Status - Mine Surveys - Add New Survey Surveys - Survey Responses & Analytics Surveys - Survey Statuses Surveys - Filtering & Sorting Options Goals - Duplicate Goal Goals - Add New Goal - Advanced Goals - Add New Goal - Simple Goals - Sub Menus Weekly Status - By User Weekly Status - Dashboard My Gamification & Leaderboard My Profile Sub Menus Notifications Feeds in PMP Global Search Goal Key Result Settings Check-ins: Add a Check-in Weekly Status: How to Add Plans Manager AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Manager: Profile Overview Manager: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Manager: Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Surveys Overview Manager: Check-ins Overview Manager: Reviews Overview Manager: Goals Overview Manager: Weekly Status Overview Manager: Manager Account Overview Member Member: How to use PulsePoint Member: Surveys Overview Member: Goals Overview Member: Weekly Status Overview Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to perform reviews Member: Member Quick Tour Member: Team Member Overview Speaker 1 (00:01): Hello and welcome to eLeaP. In this tutorial, we are in the teams and people section as a manager. So this is me, Michelle, as a manager. And what you will notice is that in this section actually I am in multiple teams. We do have some teams here that I am not able to edit or manage, and that is because I’m in those teams, not as a manager, but as a member. And that is important. So let me show you Team LB right here. I’ll click on the name of the team and you’ll see the difference there, where I am actually a member and where I’m not a member. So in Team lb, if you notice right here, Don is the leader in that team. Julie is the leader in that team. You can see from the icons here. And then I’m here, even though I’m a manager by role in the system, I’m a member of this team. (00:58): So it gives, this is because the system is very comprehensive. It allows you to transition and have flexible roles and different teams. But obviously if you are a manager and you create your own team and add users to that team, then you can manage that team. And that’s what you see right over here. So as you can see, I have the ability to add members to my team. I have the ability to remove members from the team. Obviously, I am the leader in the team here. If I were creating a new team, for example, I can do that. And at this point, I can suddenly click to add a member. If let’s say this is a new person that’s joining the team and the organization, I can actually add them into the system. Of course, we do have options for you to take advantage of the onboarding reviews, so feel free to take a look at the video for that. (01:53): And then of course, sync with Bamboo HR is also available for accounts that have that feature enabled. But this area allows you to really take a look at how powerful the eLeaP system is and in helping you to craft the right teams. Because again, teams are super important when it comes to reviews. Indeed, in generally use on the system, whether it is one-on-ones, it is in surveys, obviously PulsePoint goals, teams pretty much permeate the entirety of the system. So of course, being able to have the right team structure, being able to utilize the teams to create the right surveys, as well as the right reviews. Who are you reviewing? Are you reviewing members of your team? Are you reviewing an organization or as a participant? As a member of your organization? There’s several different permutations of how your ability to manage teams come into play. As usual, if you have any questions about this or any other features in the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.