Tutorials Administrator Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Account Options User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period eLeaP PMP User Roles Administrator User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period Admin: Settings > Integrations Admin: Settings > Organization Chart Admin: Settings > Actions Management Admin Welcome to PMP AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Admin: Settings > Check-ins Admin: Surveys > eNPS Admin: Surveys > Survey Terms Admin: Surveys > Survey Metrics Admin: Surveys > Add a Survey Admin: Settings > Webhooks Admin: Settings > Categories Admin: Settings > Billing Admin: Settings > Modules Admin: Settings > Gamification Admin: Settings > Branding Admin: Settings > Smart Assigning Admin: Settings > Custom Fields Admin: Settings > General Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Admin: Settings Overview Admin: Audit Trail Overview Form Templates Overview Admin: Teams & People Overview Admin: Surveys Overview Admin: Reviews Overview Admin: Goals Overview Check-ins: Add a Check-in Admin: Check-ins Overview Weekly Status: Reports & Analytics Weekly Status Overview How to sort or filter Goals Admin: How to delete Goals Admin: How to manage inactive Goals Admin: How to edit Goals Admin: How to create Goals Admin: System Menu Overview Admin: Dashboard Overview All Users PulsePoint - Mine PulsePoint - By User Weekly Status - Mine Surveys - Add New Survey Surveys - Survey Responses & Analytics Surveys - Survey Statuses Surveys - Filtering & Sorting Options Goals - Duplicate Goal Goals - Add New Goal - Advanced Goals - Add New Goal - Simple Goals - Sub Menus Weekly Status - By User Weekly Status - Dashboard My Gamification & Leaderboard My Profile Sub Menus Notifications Feeds in PMP Global Search Goal Key Result Settings Check-ins: Add a Check-in Weekly Status: How to Add Plans Manager AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Manager: Profile Overview Manager: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Manager: Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Surveys Overview Manager: Check-ins Overview Manager: Reviews Overview Manager: Goals Overview Manager: Weekly Status Overview Manager: Manager Account Overview Member Member: How to use PulsePoint Member: Surveys Overview Member: Goals Overview Member: Weekly Status Overview Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to perform reviews Member: Member Quick Tour Member: Team Member Overview Form Template Fields | AI-powered Survey Forms —- Speaker 1 (00:01): Hello and welcome to eLeaP. In this quick tutorial, we are looking at the form template system of the eLeaP PMP platform To get the form templates or access to the form templates, you must be an admin to have access to that. Okay, here’s what we are going to do before you get into the form templates. A couple of things I would like to advise is first off, go to a certain step, click on the modules option and go to your surveys. And in the surveys area, you want to pay attention to the metrics. Do add some metrics into this. We do have a separate video that talks about metrics because these can be very, very powerful analytics tools when it comes to utilizing the form templates. And of course when it comes to utilizing surveys within the system. Alright, let’s go back to our form templates. (00:54): Now, when you first have an account in the eLeaP PMP system, you probably don’t have any form templates here. Not to worry. Go over to your library tab, which is the second tab over there, and you will see some pre-made templates that we’ve placed there. To get a view, a preview of what these would look like, just simply click on the letter of three dots here and hit preview, and we’ll show you what the form template looks like. And as the name says, it is a template that allows you to ask questions to utilize different types of fields to be able to collect responses. And so a very, very important piece of how to engage employees and members and users as well as utilizing this in your reviews. So if you do want to borrow or utilize any of the pre-made templates, simply click on the three dots and click on the add to workspace, and we’ll basically make a copy of this that you can put into your organization area right here. (01:52): It does that automatically for you. Now, what are form templates? Well, these are the questions, whatever you want to know. So let’s give you an example. So I’ve got a Word document here, an employee engagement template, and I’ve got all of these questions here. Now, I can certainly send this out using some of the tools outside of the system, get the data, analyze it and all of that stuff outside the system. But what if you could utilize this all within the eLeaP PMP system? Well, how do you do that? Very, very easy. So I’m going to go ahead and show you how to do that. I’m going to go ahead and click on add new form. And we actually have two ways you can do this. You have the ability to ask AI to generate forms, form templates for you, and we do have a separate video for that, or you can just go ahead and do this yourself. (02:44): So I’m going to go ahead and put the name of the template there. Suddenly you can select a category if you want to, and then of course, a short little description. It is subtly useful. Then the next thing is you want to go in and start adding in your questions. Now, I’m just going to use a couple of questions here for the purpose of this preview here. So I’ll go ahead and click where it says Add new form or add new field, excuse me. And what I’m going to do is go in and add my question right there. I can add description text if I want to. And then right over here is where I select the type of field. Now we do have several different types of fields. Rating, grading, ENPS range, single choice, multiple choice, short text, long text, okay? Now this particular question, I believe would be a rating question, and we do have a document that explains all of these, but I’ll go ahead and show you what the rating question does. (03:41): It basically says, on a scale of one to five, how satisfied are you? And obviously the lower numbers are negative, so strongly disagree. And what the rating question does is a preloads responses for you. But guess what? You can edit this. If you want to change this to something else, sort of strongly disagree, maybe you want to utilize satisfied. Okay? So satisfaction is what your question’s about. Guess what? You can easily, easily change that. See that. And of course, you go in and change the rest of it. Remember what I talked about in terms of the metrics? Well, this is super important because this does allow you to associate this particular field with a metric, okay? The other thing you can do here is you can allow explanation. So just simply toggle this on and then you can choose to make fields mandatory. So if you want this field to be responded, just simply make it mandatory and hit save. (04:35): And that literally is how the system starts creating your fields for you. Now, look at this. If, let’s say I want to create a similar question, so the next question is going to be similar, different words. I can just click little three dots here and hit duplicate. And now I have something that I can actually edit very, very quickly and get going. So I’m going to use the second question, and basically I’m going to edit it. So I’ll copy and paste this, okay? And you see how fast I am moving because I am pretty much reusing the questions. So this allows you to really, really supercharge your process of creating questions and of course, being able to utilize the system to do that. Other things you can do right over here is, and I’m going to go ahead and save this form real quick here. (05:31): So once I save this form, I’m going to go back here and hit the little three dots here and I can preview the form. So you see right here these set of questions that I’ve currently gotten in there. If I want to, for example, I have this employee satisfaction survey. So I’m going to go ahead and let you all see that. So this is how it looks, okay? If I want to create a second one or a third one, all I have to do is come over here, hit the three dots, and hit duplicate. And now I can actually get started with a new version of this template and I can edit it how I want and utilize it. So again, these are the things that really make it powerful to utilize this. If your goal is to use this form templates for things like performance reviews, well guess what? You can absolutely do that. As a matter of fact, we do have some examples here for you to see where essentially the system is able to be utilized with questions for your review. So again, this is a tool that allows you to be self-sufficient. Create questions for pulse surveys, create questions for surveys, engagement surveys, create forms for your performance reviews or indeed any other function that you might want. As usual, if you have any questions about this or any other features in the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.