Tutorials Administrator Check-ins: Add a Check-in Check-ins: Add a Check-in Account Options User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period eLeaP PMP User Roles Administrator User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period Admin: Settings > Integrations Admin: Settings > Organization Chart Admin: Settings > Actions Management Admin Welcome to PMP AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Admin: Settings > Check-ins Admin: Surveys > eNPS Admin: Surveys > Survey Terms Admin: Surveys > Survey Metrics Admin: Surveys > Add a Survey Admin: Settings > Webhooks Admin: Settings > Categories Admin: Settings > Billing Admin: Settings > Modules Admin: Settings > Gamification Admin: Settings > Branding Admin: Settings > Smart Assigning Admin: Settings > Custom Fields Admin: Settings > General Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Admin: Settings Overview Admin: Audit Trail Overview Form Templates Overview Admin: Teams & People Overview Admin: Surveys Overview Admin: Reviews Overview Admin: Goals Overview Check-ins: Add a Check-in Admin: Check-ins Overview Weekly Status: Reports & Analytics Weekly Status Overview How to sort or filter Goals Admin: How to delete Goals Admin: How to manage inactive Goals Admin: How to edit Goals Admin: How to create Goals Admin: System Menu Overview Admin: Dashboard Overview All Users PulsePoint - Mine PulsePoint - By User Weekly Status - Mine Surveys - Add New Survey Surveys - Survey Responses & Analytics Surveys - Survey Statuses Surveys - Filtering & Sorting Options Goals - Duplicate Goal Goals - Add New Goal - Advanced Goals - Add New Goal - Simple Goals - Sub Menus Weekly Status - By User Weekly Status - Dashboard My Gamification & Leaderboard My Profile Sub Menus Notifications Feeds in PMP Global Search Goal Key Result Settings Check-ins: Add a Check-in Weekly Status: How to Add Plans Manager AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Manager: Profile Overview Manager: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Manager: Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Surveys Overview Manager: Check-ins Overview Manager: Reviews Overview Manager: Goals Overview Manager: Weekly Status Overview Manager: Manager Account Overview Member Member: How to use PulsePoint Member: Surveys Overview Member: Goals Overview Member: Weekly Status Overview Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to perform reviews Member: Member Quick Tour Member: Team Member Overview Speaker 1 (00:00): Hello and welcome to eLeaP. In this tutorial, we are going to create a check-in using the following information. So let’s just get started. I am going to create the name of my check-in. So click right here where it says, add new check-in. And of course, for the purpose of this, I’m just going to use this information just right quick here to be able to create this check-in, select the category. I’m going to use that and I’ll add in my description here. Oops, looks like I have a lot more text then will fit here. So I will go ahead and do that. Alright, cool. And then of course, invite the people that you want to this particular check-in. So just a simple easy way to do that. Of course, you can always go back and make sure that you have either invited the right people, it could be teams, it could be the whole organization. (01:05): And of course, as we indicated, it could be users that you have selected. So feel free to add users in appropriately. You come over here and you set a time so you can set a time of course in the future, all of that good stuff. Add it to your calendar, set it as a recurring check-in or one-on-one if you want to do that. And you can utilize a combination of months or weeks as you see here. So for example, I can do this and have it. Okay, I’m going to do three times. And then of course, let’s set out talking points here. So again, I’m just going to come over here and utilize this information here to set up my talking points. Okay? As you can see right here, just click on that. Alright? And then go over here, click on that, come back here. (01:58): This is just for sample purposes, not you don’t have to go this route, but again, you can just see how simple it is to utilize this tool to be able to do this. Alright? So feel free to set it up the way you want, what the agenda items do you want? And anyways, once you have added everything in there, just hit your save button and you have created it. And once you check-in starts, as you can see, you’ve got your name here of the check-in. You’ve got the purpose of the meeting right here. You’ve got your agenda items. And as you discuss each item, you basically can check the box there. What’s cool about the eLeaP PMP system for checkup check-ins and one-on-ones is that, as you can see here, I can add comments. So I can actually go over here and I can add comments to this. (02:52): You see how fascinating this is. And all of this is inance of stuff that you probably are trying to do manually. We make it so easy for you to do that. And of course, as I mentioned earlier on, as you discuss items, you just go in and utilize the checkbox here to do that as you take new plans. And again, I’m going to go over here to just give you some ideas on plans. As you take new plans here, you can actually utilize the system to be able to indicate what plans you have taken. So I’m just going to use this as an example. I can come over here and say we’ve taken some plans either career wise or you have taken, if it’s an HR related issue, again, you have the ability to include all of that detail in this tool. And if you want to even include notes there, you suddenly can, the notes section allows you to do that. (03:59): And what’s cool about this tool again, is that you can add in notes that are either private notes or you can make them public to pretty much those that are attend in the meeting. So for example, I’m going to use this as my note here. So I’ll come over here and I’ll post it over there. And this is kind of a public note, so I’ll be okay leaving it as such. But if let’s say I want to add a note that’s a bit more private here, I can certainly do that and just go right over here, check this box here. And now this is going to be a private note. That means that when the meeting concludes and the system sends a summary out, it is not going to include these private notes. See how simple and yet powerful this is. And once you finish, you can export this. The system will send an email, by the way, with a summary of all of that which has been discussed. So this is how simple it is to add in check-ins into your eLeaP account. If you have any questions about this or any of other features in the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.