Tutorials Administrator Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: Reviews Settings Account Options User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period eLeaP PMP User Roles Administrator User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period Admin: Settings > Integrations Admin: Settings > Organization Chart Admin: Settings > Actions Management Admin Welcome to PMP AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Admin: Settings > Check-ins Admin: Surveys > eNPS Admin: Surveys > Survey Terms Admin: Surveys > Survey Metrics Admin: Surveys > Add a Survey Admin: Settings > Webhooks Admin: Settings > Categories Admin: Settings > Billing Admin: Settings > Modules Admin: Settings > Gamification Admin: Settings > Branding Admin: Settings > Smart Assigning Admin: Settings > Custom Fields Admin: Settings > General Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Admin: Settings Overview Admin: Audit Trail Overview Form Templates Overview Admin: Teams & People Overview Admin: Surveys Overview Admin: Reviews Overview Admin: Goals Overview Check-ins: Add a Check-in Admin: Check-ins Overview Weekly Status: Reports & Analytics Weekly Status Overview How to sort or filter Goals Admin: How to delete Goals Admin: How to manage inactive Goals Admin: How to edit Goals Admin: How to create Goals Admin: System Menu Overview Admin: Dashboard Overview All Users PulsePoint - Mine PulsePoint - By User Weekly Status - Mine Surveys - Add New Survey Surveys - Survey Responses & Analytics Surveys - Survey Statuses Surveys - Filtering & Sorting Options Goals - Duplicate Goal Goals - Add New Goal - Advanced Goals - Add New Goal - Simple Goals - Sub Menus Weekly Status - By User Weekly Status - Dashboard My Gamification & Leaderboard My Profile Sub Menus Notifications Feeds in PMP Global Search Goal Key Result Settings Check-ins: Add a Check-in Weekly Status: How to Add Plans Manager AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Manager: Profile Overview Manager: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Manager: Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Surveys Overview Manager: Check-ins Overview Manager: Reviews Overview Manager: Goals Overview Manager: Weekly Status Overview Manager: Manager Account Overview Member Member: How to use PulsePoint Member: Surveys Overview Member: Goals Overview Member: Weekly Status Overview Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to perform reviews Member: Member Quick Tour Member: Team Member Overview Reviews Overview | User Profile Fields for Reviews —- Speaker 1 (00:00): Hello and welcome to eLeaP. In this tutorial, we are going to look at the reviews settings. To get to the review settings, you simply click on the settings main settings tab. You then click on modules, and this time you are going into the reviews gear icon. Now in the reviews section, you have two areas. You have the general area where you can activate and deactivate reviews, very important. And then you have the automated reviews section. So we’ll click on that and go to the automated review section. We do have two sections there, and this is very important. The first section has the ability for you to utilize anniversary reviews and what are these types of reviews? Well put your cursor over this tooltip here, and we will give you an explanation of this. So this is a review based on the date of hire of an individual. (00:58): So somebody gets hired today, January 10th, and of course next year you expect that their anniversary is coming up. So you do want to have their anniversary review, right? So if that’s what you would suddenly want, toggle that on. And then what you want to do is once you toggle it on, click right here to see the details. Now, we do have a couple of things we are asking you to do right here to set everything up, right? First thing is when do you want the review period to kick off? Okay? So again, if you think about the current date, January 10th as the person’s high date, then of course you might want to have a window that starts 30 days before that anniversary date. Or you could have it be 60 days or 90 days, three months out. So you get to set that up here. (01:54): And again, you can always put your curs over the tooltip for information. And then we go over to the templates section. Now, this is really one of the things that makes the EPMP system really powerful is that of course you customize this. So you do have templates that you can use. If the relationship of the reviewer and reviewee is a peer relationship, you have a different template. If it’s an upward review, in other words, a subordinate is reviewing a manager, there’s a different template that you can utilize, the different form that you can utilize if it’s a downward review. So a manager that is reviewing a direct report, there is a template that you can utilize and you can choose to use the same template for all these sections. That’s your call. But what we give you is the ability to customize. If let’s say you want a different set of questions when it’s an upward review versus a download review versus say a peer review, you get to customize all of this. (02:54): And then the fourth area here is self-assessment. Many of you have indicated how important this is for the participant, the reviewer, or reviewee, excuse me, to have their say. Alright, so the self-assessment allows the individual that’s being reviewed to also provide their context, their own self evaluation or assessment. And so feel free to indicate what template you want to utilize for that. Then we come over to this section, review, answer visibility. This is super important because you are telling how do you want us to treat the responses once they come in? Alright, do you want us to share the answers with the reviewee? So the individual being reviewed, we’ll see it. Do you want us to shed answers anonymously or do you want us to not shed answers and only leave this up to admins to see the responses? You get to specify that. (03:46): Okay, so of course, lock that in, and that is for your individual anniversary review. You do something similar for the onboarding reviews. Now, the onboarding review works differently from the anniversary reviews because again, onboarding and if you put your cur over here, we provide the information. That’s where you have a new hire and let’s say you have a 30 day onboarding period or probationary period and you want to be able to go back to that new hire and say, Hey, how are you doing? Alright, so you basically activate the onboarding option, and then again, just like we did with the anniversary reviews, you get to stipulate how many weeks, how many days, how many months before their onboarding period is over, do you want this review to happen? Okay, so we do have some presets here one week, two weeks, and one month before the end of the probationary period. (04:42): Now the probationary period is going to be stipulated in the user profile, and I’ll show you that in a second. We do have then, of course, the area where you go to customized templates. So of course, again, you can decide if you want the new hire to have their say. And if you do just tackle the self-assessment option and now you’re able to select the particular template for that. So this is super, super powerful and it lets you really get a granular control over your reviews. Alright, so that’s where you get your review settings for your automated reviews. Now we are going to go into the review section and within the review section, these are your ongoing reviews. You can create a review and you can actually set your own parameters there. So we’ll show you that in our next video. The first video that we showed you was for automated reviews that happen within the general reviews module and the settings in that section. As usual, if you have any questions about this or any other features in the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.