Tutorials Member Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Account Options User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period eLeaP PMP User Roles Administrator User Profile - Hire Date, Probationary Period Admin: Settings > Integrations Admin: Settings > Organization Chart Admin: Settings > Actions Management Admin Welcome to PMP AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Admin: Settings > Check-ins Admin: Surveys > eNPS Admin: Surveys > Survey Terms Admin: Surveys > Survey Metrics Admin: Surveys > Add a Survey Admin: Settings > Webhooks Admin: Settings > Categories Admin: Settings > Billing Admin: Settings > Modules Admin: Settings > Gamification Admin: Settings > Branding Admin: Settings > Smart Assigning Admin: Settings > Custom Fields Admin: Settings > General Admin: Reviews Settings Admin: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Admin: Settings Overview Admin: Audit Trail Overview Form Templates Overview Admin: Teams & People Overview Admin: Surveys Overview Admin: Reviews Overview Admin: Goals Overview Check-ins: Add a Check-in Admin: Check-ins Overview Weekly Status: Reports & Analytics Weekly Status Overview How to sort or filter Goals Admin: How to delete Goals Admin: How to manage inactive Goals Admin: How to edit Goals Admin: How to create Goals Admin: System Menu Overview Admin: Dashboard Overview All Users PulsePoint - Mine PulsePoint - By User Weekly Status - Mine Surveys - Add New Survey Surveys - Survey Responses & Analytics Surveys - Survey Statuses Surveys - Filtering & Sorting Options Goals - Duplicate Goal Goals - Add New Goal - Advanced Goals - Add New Goal - Simple Goals - Sub Menus Weekly Status - By User Weekly Status - Dashboard My Gamification & Leaderboard My Profile Sub Menus Notifications Feeds in PMP Global Search Goal Key Result Settings Check-ins: Add a Check-in Weekly Status: How to Add Plans Manager AI-Powered Survey Form Templates Manager: Profile Overview Manager: PulsePoint Overview Form Templates - Form Fields Manager: Form Templates Overview Form Templates Overview Manager: Teams & People Overview Manager: Surveys Overview Manager: Check-ins Overview Manager: Reviews Overview Manager: Goals Overview Manager: Weekly Status Overview Manager: Manager Account Overview Member Member: How to use PulsePoint Member: Surveys Overview Member: Goals Overview Member: Weekly Status Overview Member: How to create Check-ins, 1-on-1s Member: How to perform reviews Member: Member Quick Tour Member: Team Member Overview Speaker 1 (00:00): Hello and welcome to eLeaP. In this tutorial, we are looking at our check-ins slash one-on-ones tool. So check-ins allow and one-on-ones allow team members to request specific targeted meetings. It could be collaborating with a colleague on a project. It could be meeting with a manager, it could be meeting with a supervisor. It could be a supervisor. Obviously requesting a meeting with you as a team member because of all kinds of reasons. But it does allow you to create a focus meeting. The idea behind any of these two meetings, check in. So one-on-ones is that it is a meeting that is one documented. There is clear agendas, agenda items set up. There are plans that are discussed and elaborated on and decisions made and there’s good notes taken because these are super helpful in helping drive performance and helping improve how team members perform their work. So in this example, we are actually going to use a sample here. So I’m looking for a brief meeting with my boss. So I’ll go here and click. So I’ll add my meeting. (01:23): Alright, so I’m looking for a meeting from my boss. Suddenly you can select the type of category, add a description if you want, right over here is where you choose who you want to invite. Now of course, you want to make sure that you are in on that meeting for sure, but then you can look through your list of members here that are in teams that you belong to and you can definitely select who you want to participate in this meeting. It can be just two of you, or it can be multiple people in this meeting. For now, I’m just going to utilize just the two folks. Now, setting up the time for the meeting is absolutely important. So for example, I can say, well let’s do Tuesday at about nine 9:30 AM So, or nine 20, that’s fine. So you can set the time if you want to have this be a regular check-in where it recurs at any frequency, say, alright, you know what, I want this to be monthly. (02:23): You can definitely do that. And then most importantly though, you do, and we can’t stress this enough, you do want to have a maximum. So let’s say we want to meet for the next three months on these issues so I can make sure that it ends after three occurrences. That’s what that means. Then the next part is making sure you actually have your agenda laid out. So I’m going to make sure that I have this properly mapped out here. So I’m just going to add a few of these points here to make my agenda look as great as it should. And as you can see, you can obviously prepare a worksheet before you come into the PSP system or you can just type it in. I’m doing this so that I can speed up the process here. But as you can see these agenda items, provide clear context in terms of what you want to work on, what you want to discuss. (03:17): And of course once the meeting starts, you can actually add in your plans for the meeting and all of that good stuff. So I’m going to go ahead and click save check-in here to just let you see how the check-in looks. So this is my check-in that I just created here and here the agenda items. See that right there. If for example, I wanted to provide more context, for example, I can go right here and in the comments area I can provide more comments. So right here where it says brief notes and greetings, excuse me, I can actually add this information right there. Alright, so it just gives you again another way that you can provide more information, excuse me, to create in your check-in. The other thing you can do right here is air plans. So as we see here, as the meeting is proceeding, if you, for example, wanted to air plans in terms of what you want to do, you can actually utilize this here. (04:16): So follow up suggestions on current projects, that’s a planned item that you want to add. Well go ahead and add that in there. If you have notes that you want to add into the meeting as the meeting progresses, definitely feel free to add those notes so I can, I’m actually going to just copy these right here and add that here into my notes section. So you see how powerful this is. If you have anything that is kind of a private nature and you would rather just share, add that in there. But you want to make sure that that is only available to you. You can just make sure that you hit this private. Here’s a private note, alright, so that when the system does the summary email at the end of the session, it would not display any of these private notes to anybody else, and you only can see those. (05:09): So this is how you go in and create a check-in. Invite participants to that check-in, take a look at an actual check-in that was created right here. These are the talking points. I think there are two pages of talking points, so you see them. These are plans that we’ve taken and of course here the notes. So these check-ins are really, really powerful. They’re great and you can actually integrate them into Google, your Outlook, as well as Google Calendar to be able to have the check-ins go into people’s schedules so they can participate. As usual, if you have any questions about this or any of the features in the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.