Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
Transform Your HR Department: Strategies for Success from Top Industry Leaders
In 2006, Laszlo Bock stepped into the role of Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google. Back then, the tech giant was already an industry leader, known for its innovative products and rapid growth. But Bock recognized an opportunity for Google to not only lead in technology but also in how it managed, motivated, […]
Get Expert Advice on Hiring, Retention, and Employee Development from HBR’s Top Articles
Employee Developments! According to a comprehensive study conducted by Gallup, effective employee management – hiring, retention, and development – can result in a 17% increase in organizational productivity, a 24% decrease in employee turnover, and a 21% increase in profit. This data underscores the value of investing in high-quality workforce management strategies. Employee developments is […]
When an Employee Hasn’t Reached their Potential
One of the negative sides of performance management is understanding and dealing with an employee that hasn’t reached their full potential. However, this is one of the primary reasons to adopt such platforms within your organization. Having an efficient PMS platform allows you to pinpoint when an employee isn’t reaching their potential and find the […]
Performance Management Systems
How Can a PMS Help the Pharmaceutical Industry?
There are multiple ways a great LMS can assist the pharmaceutical industry. When it comes to new or even existing employees, there are many regulatory compliance issues and constant changes that an LMS can make easier. What about a great PMS platform? There are several reasons why the right PMS platform can be extremely beneficial […]
Why Having A Skilled Workforce is Essential
Business leaders, company owners, and managers will agree that an essential part of running a successful operation is the team you surround yourself with. Highly functional and accomplished organizations can only achieve their objectives with the right people. Explore how eLeaP’s Performance Management Platform can simplify evaluations, boost productivity, and drive measurable results. There is fierce competition […]
Continuous Performance Management
5 Benefits of Continuous Performance Management
Continuous Performance management is a process used in a variety of organizations. It may be put in place when leaders want to build an environment where employees perform at their best. It is used to ensure that all delivered work is of the highest quality. There are two different approaches related to performance management. These […]
Creating Learning Opportunities and Evaluations With Continuous Performance Management
A large number of companies have moved away from traditional performance management systems. Instead, these organizations predominantly work with a more flexible method of continuous performance management. However, if managers aren’t comfortable with the change, it can be hard to implement and create positive results. Continuous performance management is a process that removes unneeded and […]
How To Implement Continuous Performance Management at Your Company
A lot of organizations never take the time to consider whether singular annual performance reviews are the best way to keep employees on track. Instead, many companies simply follow an annual performance management cycle since that is what has always been in place. In both cases, the issue is that employee loss can occur since […]
Top Tips for Setting Performance Goals That Actually Work
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, a good performance management system is a must if you want your organization to run smoothly. Of course, there are multiple aspects to well-run performance management, one of which is setting and managing goals. But this is often far easier said than done. Performance management is […]
How to Effectively Set Performance Standards for New Hires
When you first hire a new employee, there are innumerable things that need to be taken care of. New hires need to be put through orientation, onboarded, and familiarized with the company and job position during this time, but what about performance standards? Thinking about setting performance standards often isn’t top of the list when […]
How to Recognize When an Employee Isn’t Reaching Their Full Potential
As a leader, you should never settle for less than full potential when it comes to your employees. Particularly in this day and age, when younger generations value their growth within an organization so greatly, failing to encourage employees to reach their full potential can be very problematic. Explore how eLeaP®’s Performance Management Platform can simplify […]
How Feedback Can Help to Transform Your Millennial Workforce
The word Millennial has received an unfairly bad reputation. The truth is that Millennials already make up 30% of existing workforces and will make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025. What does this mean? Well, in order to hire and retain talent, it’s important to understand what motivates millennials specifically. Baby boomers and […]