Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
A Guide to Self-Appraisal Comments (With Self-Appraisal Comments by Employee Examples)
If you are planning for your performance review, you’ll want to read our self-appraisal comments by employee examples beforehand. Explore how eLeaP’s Performance Management Platform can simplify evaluations, boost productivity, and drive measurable results. Often, the self-appraisal process, otherwise known as a self-review or self-assessment, is a big part of any given company’s performance review process. The […]
Performance Review Software for Performance Management in Real Time
How does performance review software help with performance management? New forms of performance review software are changing the ways companies evaluate and retain information gathered from employee reviews. Let’s discuss some features and benefits of performance review software and how it creates a continuous performance management system within an organization. What Is Performance Review Software? Imagine […]
Performance Management Systems
Choosing the Right Performance Review Phrases for Your Evaluation
Each time you prepare performance review phrases for your quarterly or annual meetings, it might feel daunting, even if you’ve done it many times over. When you have a base from which to work, though, you can approach the task with a bit of confidence. Not everyone is skilled at putting words to thoughts and […]