How does performance review software help with performance management? New forms of performance review software are changing the ways companies evaluate and retain information gathered from employee reviews.

Let’s discuss some features and benefits of performance review software and how it creates a system of continuous performance management within an organization.

What Is Performance Review Software?

Imagine a software program that allows a business to see employee goals and expectations alongside their performance metrics. That is, effectively, the function of performance review software. It is a system that enables continuous performance management by giving employees feedback in real-time.

Continuous Performance Management Explained

Exactly as the name implies, continuous performance management is the ongoing gathering of performance-related data, which is then reviewed by employees and their supervisors. Companies use it in tandem with or even instead of annual performance reviews.

Continuous performance management is a contemporary method for measuring, evaluating, and improving employee performance. It results in staff members who feel more confident in their jobs and their ongoing development and creates more inter-employee support, which increases morale and the teamwork mindset of the organization.

Performance Review Software

Benefits of Continuous Performance Management

For an organization to be successful, they need to manage performance. It’s a crucial component of building and maintaining an effective team. Several specific benefits include:

  1. Increased employee engagement – Employees who have regular feedback conversations with their supervisors are much more likely to actively engage in their work. The more frequent these exchanges, the better.
  2. Decreased employee turnover – Effective feedback exchanges link to better employee retention. Again, the more frequent, the better.
  3. Fosters organizational bonding – Performance management systems are capitalizing on the efficiency and connection that technology brings to the workplace. Continuous performance management breeds better connectedness amongst a team.
  4. Cultivates trust – As in any relationship, trust is a precursor to success. In organizations, trust is directly linked to profitability. The more employees trust their leaders, the more productive they are.
  5. Gathers important data – The data collected by continuous performance reviews provide pivotal insight regarding:
  1. Goal setting and tracking
  2. Manager-subordinate interactions
  3. Employee energy expenditure
  4. Hidden potential of some team members

The data is not quantified annually. It accumulates in a continuous flow and paints a picture of the efficacy of specific management approaches.

Performance management clarifies expectations for employees and gives them good feedback on what areas they excel in, and which ones need improvement. Collectively, the benefits of performance management increase morale and motivation within a team.

Benefits of Performance Review Software

Standard performance review methods include annual or quarterly reviews in which managers set aside time to check in with employees. Employee satisfaction, goal achievement, and performance metrics are all topics of conversation at these meetings. The review sessions themselves take up the time of both employees and managers, cutting into their productivity.

Performance review software helps to reduce some of the time and resources that organizations spend on regular employee review meetings. Instead of exchanging all of the information within the review sessions, both managers and employees can see performance information in real-time through the software.

The software even allows peer employees to compare performance measurements with each other. This exchange fosters some healthy workplace competition that serves as a motivator driving performance. It also saves the company from the hassle of standard 360 performance reviews.

Using performance review software for a team creates consistency between employees in the review process. Everyone uses the same system and is subject to the same rating scales and performance metrics while tracking their performance. This creates fairness for all employees regarding performance expectations.

Key Features of Performance Review Software and Continuous Performance Management

Some of the note-worthy features of performance review software include:

  • Check-Ins – Performance review software includes communication intelligence for teams to stay in touch efficiently. The resulting communication fosters trust within the team.
  • Organizational Feedback – The software gives employees access to a network of peers and supervisors. They simply reach out to seek advice and request feedback to help them learn on the go and develop skills.
  • Priorities – Goal-setting features are also available. They allow employees to set and measure goals relevant to the team’s objectives.
  • All-time Data Access – Team leaders can tap into the data at any time and generate feedback or solutions as needed.
  • Performance Dashboard – A one-stop shop to see key performance metrics, view feedback, data summaries, check-ins, and current goals.
  • Strong Analytics Technology – Performance review software does more than just count the goals achieved and the number of satisfied employees. Integrated data shows patterns and connections between many facets of job performance.

The Feedback Cycle of Performance Review Software Works

The process of continuous performance management consists of five main components.

First, employees enter goals, projects, and tasks related to an employee’s specific role, as well as organizational objectives into the software interface. Then, employees go about business as usual.

Second, as an employee completes tasks and reaches objectives, they make notes in the software program and their supervisor can see their progress.  Third, co-workers and managers exchange feedback on performance. They pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and give encouragement and tips for improvement.

Fourth, team leaders and subordinate employees still conduct occasional check-ins, whether in person or virtually. These meetings function as mini-performance reviews to discuss data shared in the performance review software. Although, the check-ins don’t have to be as in-depth as standard review sessions due to the ongoing feedback loop.

Fifth and finally, the software program compiles data in a useful way for more formal review sessions when necessary.

All these components comprise a performance review software system that meets the needs of managers looking to stay aware of the current status of employee performance. Each feature is framed within an easy-to-use interface that adapts well to any team structure.

The Optimal Time for Continuous Performance Management Is Now

Effective performance management is already an important part of a manager’s day-to-day job. However, many agree that the standard for annual or even twice-a-year performance reviews is not as effective as everyone needs them to be.

Managers and employees alike are disappointed with the current performance management practices of their organizations, citing the annual meetings as disappointing and unfair. Even company leaders are lacking confidence in the actual amount of value that current practices bring to their organizations, specifically when it comes to annual performance reviews.

Many organizations need a facelift in the performance review department. Continuous performance management via performance review software is the perfect solution. It solves many of the problems of annual performance review systems. It takes the year-long feedback loop of the annual review process and makes it instantaneous.

Modern organizations only benefit from the efficiencies provided through continuous performance feedback and the software that facilitates it. When transitioning into a continuous feedback system, all leadership and management personnel need to be on board.

The team leaders need to have a clear vision for the implementation of the new system. Adequate training is also a must. Managers need to know how to put the new system to good use.

Is the Annual Performance Review Dead?

It’s hard to let go of an old habit. Many teams implementing continuous performance management question whether they are ready to put annual reviews into the wind.

Whether or not an organization chooses to keep using annual reviews depends entirely on the company and the needs of its teams. In some ways, annual reviews are still helpful when it comes to consolidating long terms of feedback data and performance metrics. Some employees benefit from reviewing their progress every year.

However, many argue that annual reviews are obsolete after an organization implements continuous performance management. Teams are analyzing performance data and discussing it on a much more frequent basis. Leaders are addressing issues almost as soon as they arise.

Surely, business teams can let go of annual reviews when they have such an efficient and all-encompassing alternative.

Performance Review Software − A Great Tool for Performance Management

Many worldly factors are changing the way organizations manage productivity within their teams. While there is more than one way to accomplish performance management, certain techniques are glaringly more effective than others.

The happiest and most effective teams are effectively managed. Continuous performance management through performance review software is the missing piece that many leadership teams are looking for.