Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
How to Handle Feedback Requests with Your Employees
Do you want to allow your employees to send in feedback requests but are overwhelmed at the idea of handling them all? Feedback is a vital part of employee success, and allowing your employees to request feedback on their projects can help to make implementing feedback easier! See how eLeaP makes requesting feedback simple and […]
How to Drive Employee Professional Development
Providing ample resources for employee professional development opportunities is one of the best ways to retain valued employees. Employees need the potential for upward mobility to feel motivated in their roles. Tools for professional development must be offered for employees to achieve their goals. Research shows employees who feel they are advancing in their careers […]
Top Employee Engagement Strategies For Companies in 2023
Businesses should look for ways to enhance Employee Engagement Strategies morale to build and sustain a happy working environment and a healthy company culture, given the current high-stress levels, worry, and uncertainty. There are several tactics you can put in place to increase positivity and boost employee morale if your company is experiencing poor staff […]
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: How Gender Bias in Feedback is Holding Women Back
Picture this: a woman works tirelessly, putting in long hours and consistently delivering exceptional results. However, she finds herself stuck in the same position, unable to advance. It’s not because she lacks skills or dedication; it’s because of the subtle yet persistent influence of gender bias in feedback. According to recent research conducted by Harvard […]
Keys to Successful Manager Training: What Every Manager Should Know
The Successful Manager Training is an important part of any organization’s growth and development. It helps managers to become better leaders, increase their knowledge and skills, and develop the right attitude and behaviors to be successful. Manager Training covers various topics, from basic management concepts to advanced business strategies. It can include topics such as […]
Performance Management Technique Tips for Managers
When you want to run a successful performance management system, incorporating the performance of your management is just as important. In any corporation, most teams are only as good as their team leaders. This means coming up with efficient techniques to critique your manager becomes vital in order to accomplish this goal. There are many […]
Causes and Solutions to Employee Burnout
One of the worst things about employee burnout is that it can take an otherwise positive and vital job role and turn it into a traumatic experience. If this issue isn’t corrected, it could lead to good employees parting ways completely with their current employers. This, however, doesn’t always have to be the case. Thankfully, […]
Performance Management Techniques
Many platforms and companies talk about performance management techniques with little to no definition as to what the term actually means. Such a broad term can have so many different meanings that it can be difficult to understand what the phrase encompasses. However, in terms of a PMS platform, performance management techniques should be clearly […]
Performance Management Systems
Addressing Fairness In Your PMS Platform
When speaking of fairness in regard to an PMS platform, there are several different ways one can approach the term. Currently, algorithms are so advanced in breaking down data to the micro-category and factoring in every possible element that there’s no question of whether the modern-day performance management process is fair. The eLeaP continuous performance […]
Performance Management Systems
Including Self-Evaluation in Your PMS Process
In surveys and research conducted regarding the corporate review process, many employees feel a certain level of anxiety when it comes to discussing their performance with their managers. An employee goes into a meeting with their managers, sometimes without having the slightest clue of what to expect. Keep in mind; this meeting can change the […]
Using Real-time Feedback to Make Performance Management Easier
In the past, performance management and company assessments were conducted without much data or insight. Employees were given a packet with a series of questions in what was nothing more than a glorified survey. Who knows exactly how much these performance assessments were even factored into the future of a company. However, with major changes […]
Performance Management Systems
How to Use a PMS to Assess the Efficiency of Remote Workers
In our current work environment, many employees have made the switch to remote work. During the initial phases of the COVID outbreak, many organizations were forced to shut down, leading to many employees performing homebound work. Things still haven’t shifted back to their original setting, and it looks like the remote worker trend will continue. […]