Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
Commission and Pay-for-Performance Compensation Models: Do They Belong in the Future of Performance Management?
For years, sales positions have often been offered with a commission and/or bonus structure—the more you sell, the more you can earn. It’s a good enough incentive for many salespeople to work harder and acquire more business on behalf of the organization. However, in today’s post-COVID economy where everyone is still feeling the effects of […]
Remote Performance Management: Tips and Tricks for Managers
Remote work is here to stay. Even as organizations try to strike a balance between work from home and in-person work at the office, we know that effective performance management will be vital to ensure success. For managers, this presents a few challenges, particularly if you’re still struggling with remote performance management. The truth is […]
How to Create and Implement Continuous Performance Reviews
Managers have tried every strategy in the book to boost performance and motivate employees. When punitive efforts failed, they turned to ratings and rankings. The thinking was that low ratings would shame employees into performing better, or that low rankings would foster a sense of competition with other employees, increasing performance. Neither of those things […]
Tips to Deliver Better Remote One-on-Ones
It can be easy to feel like COVID-19 has turned the world on its ear. That’s particularly true when it comes to managers and their ability to coach their teams. One-on-ones are vastly more effective than traditional performance management tactics in terms of engendering real behavior change, improving employee engagement, and foster real, lasting change […]
Drive Performance Improvement with Better Clarity of Expectations
When you think of performance management, chances are good you picture an annual sit-down between a manager and an employee. They discuss what the employee did wrong in the past year, what they might have done right, and what the company expects of them moving forward. It’s a pretty negative situation overall, which is one […]
People Management Simplified: Tips to Create a More Successful Operation
Performance management would be better termed “people management”. That’s because you’re not managing performance in a purely mechanical sense. These aren’t machines we’re talking about that provide a simple output based on a known input. Human beings don’t work that way. We’re messy. We’re complex. We’re convoluted. People management is what you’re really doing, and […]
Annual Performance Reviews Are Dead: Long Live the One-on-One
If you’ve missed the news, here it is: the annual performance review is dead, although many companies might not yet realize it. It’s actually been deceased for a long time, and employers have only been propping up its body. The value of these reviews, long questionable, has finally faded away (if it was ever there […]
Improving Performance by Creating a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace
When do you perform at your personal best – when you’re in a strange place, surrounded by people who neither know nor like you? Or when you’re in a supportive, positive environment surrounded by those who earnestly want you to succeed, grow, and thrive? It’s a no-brainer – everyone performs better in a positive environment. […]
Why Your Current Performance Management Is Not Working
Performance management is supposed to help you develop your team. It’s intended to pinpoint areas of improvement and help you provide the feedback necessary so that employees can grow and develop. So, why is your process isn’t working? What factors are causing performance management failings? You’re not alone. Performance management fails pretty often, sadly. What […]
Is Your Performance Management System Broken?
The goal of performance management is to support employees in optimizing their on-the-job performance. It’s all about helping them be the best they can be and providing them with the tools, training, and knowledge necessary to achieve key targets and objectives. However, if your performance management system isn’t really doing that, it may be broken. […]
Where Is the ‘Carrot and Stick’ in Today’s Performance Management Methodology?
How do you get employees to do their jobs? How do you encourage a worker to hit key goals and objectives? How do you ensure that your team is motivated to push harder and achieve more? In the past, this involved what’s called the “carrot and stick” approach. Carrot – The carrot was a reward […]
Creating Performance Incentives That Really Matter to Your Team
Wouldn’t it be nice if the same thing motivated everyone? If that were true, you could simply offer everyone a raise, and they’d perform at their peak. They’d immediately address issues with their performance and commit to doing better. Of course, we don’t live in that world. Your team members are diverse. They come from […]