Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
Tips For Improving Labor Management Practices in The Agriculture Industry
Running any type of agricultural practice can be extremely difficult. The industry itself is tough and, in many ways, entirely unique. There are aspects of agriculture that require specific labor management practices in order for the organization to be successful. Without good leadership and efficient management, the organization can fall apart all too quickly. What’s […]
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Performance Management
Long before artificial intelligence took over the workplace, data collection had been a mandatory element of performance assessments. Reviewing an employee’s performance gives us insight into what they’ve accomplished, what we believe they can accomplish, and how we can help them arrive at their goals. We also analyze whether or not their performance and behaviors […]
Performance Management Systems
Relevant Performance Management System Questions
When it comes to any PMS, there should be a clear mission statement and desired outcome from implementing a specific system. If you use any system blindly with no driving factors behind the selection, it almost defeats the purpose of using a PMS, to begin with. If you’re thinking about choosing a new assessment system […]
Why You Should Avoid Employee Comparisons During Performance Reviews at All Costs
It’s no secret that employee performance reviews are a critical pillar of any organization’s success. Without them, it’s almost impossible to retain employees and improve your workforce in terms of growth, performance, and productivity. While they are essential, they do consume a significant amount of company resources and time. This makes it all the more […]
How to Set and Achieve Professional Development Goals
No matter what your career is or what industry you work in, setting professional development goals is a necessary part of growth and success. Everyone’s goals are different, so there isn’t a surefire way to progress in your career. However, it doesn’t matter what your individual goals are; it helps to know how to set […]
Ways To Succeed with Performance Management Systems
In the contemporary work world, competition among employees is ever-increasing. The best way to ensure a fair environment for all employees is to have solid performance management systems in place to make sure that you can track the output and productivity of your employees. Tracking such crucial aspects of your company and your employees can […]
The Best Questions to Ask an Employee During a Performance Review
Conducting successful performance reviews requires you to do much more than simply have a one-on-one discussion with your employee. Successful performance reviews require Human Resources to work in conjunction with managers to gain insight into performance. This requires performance reviews to be structured, it can’t just be a free for all conversation. And structure requires […]
Employee Retention: Why It Needs to Be Part of Performance Management
The words “performance management” conjure up images of annual reviews, performance improvement plans, and maybe even lost raises due to performance problems. For those who are on board with the current performance management mindset, those words might call to mind check-ins and one-on-ones, or perhaps feedback sessions. What they probably don’t bring to mind is […]
Unearthing Performance Management Biases That Might Be Crippling Your Success
Chances are good you think that your performance reviews are fair and evenhanded. You feel that they are valuable tools to help spur employee development and growth. And, they can be. However, understand that we are all human and we all suffer from hidden biases. When those biases show up in performance reviews, they can […]
Effective and Meaningful Leadership Evaluation Comments: Creating Leadership In-House
Every organization requires skilled, dedicated leadership. In a best-case scenario, you can build your existing talent and develop leadership in-house. This allows you to achieve numerous mission-critical goals, including improving talent retention, reducing churn, enhancing engagement, and improving employee loyalty. It also allows you to reduce the costs and other challenges in recruiting and onboarding […]
Employee Evaluation Comments: Giving Intelligible Feedback Your Employees Will Value and Act On
Today, it’s more important than ever before that you leverage your existing talent. Helping your current employees develop, grow, and improve their performance comes with a much lower price tag than onboarding new talent. Regular coaching and feedback are critical to that process, but sometimes the employee evaluation comments you provide are ambiguous, come across […]
Writing a Clear Job Description: Performance Management Begins with the Basics
When you think about employee performance management, chances are good some specific things come to mind. You probably picture conducting performance reviews, going through check-ins, or getting feedback about an employee from their peers. Those are certainly parts of the process, but the humble job description is perhaps one of the most crucial elements. For […]