Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
Writing a Clear Job Description: Performance Management Begins with the Basics
When you think about employee performance management, chances are good some specific things come to mind. You probably picture conducting performance reviews, going through check-ins, or getting feedback about an employee from their peers. Those are certainly parts of the process, but the humble job description is perhaps one of the most crucial elements. For […]
Driving Improved Employee Performance: The Role of Mindfulness
Improving employee performance can be a frustrating process. Gone are the days when an annual performance review and a threat of punitive action could scare employees into working harder. Today, leaders understand that driving improved employee performance requires a commitment to ongoing communication, skills development and growth, and providing the support employees need to do […]
How to Guide Employee Improvement in the New World of Performance Management
You have heard that in this new world of performance management, you must take a different approach to guiding improvement. However, chances are good that you have heard precious little about how to do that. A lot has been said about the death of annual performance reviews and the need for regular check-ins and one-on-ones. […]
Creating a Holistic Performance Management System
When you think of performance management, what comes to mind? For too many managers, it conjures up images of performance reviews and not much more. Sure, you might have the occasional one-on-one or check-in, but it’s more a collection of individual parts than anything else. This is one of the reasons that so many organizations […]
Onboarding with an Eye Toward Performance: Performance Management Begins with Hiring
For many managers, performance management becomes a consideration well after an employee is hired and completes the onboarding process. That seems to make sense, too. After all, it is hard to manage performance before an employee has had time to adjust to their new role within the organization, the workflows in place, and the tools […]
How to Create and Implement Continuous Performance Reviews
Managers have tried every strategy in the book to boost performance and motivate employees. When punitive efforts failed, they turned to ratings and rankings. The thinking was that low ratings would shame employees into performing better, or that low rankings would foster a sense of competition with other employees, increasing performance. Neither of those things […]
Understanding Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and Their Impact on Business Success
To be successful, businesses must be able to manage and track performance. While there are many ways to do that, one of the most powerful models is objectives and key results (OKRs). Deceptively simple, it requires just four steps: Defining the objectives quarterly Implementing tools to measure progress toward objectives Communication with team members A […]
How to Maximize the Value of Your One-on-Ones
Few performance management tools offer the value, traction, and transformative power of the humble one-on-one. Sure, they’re brief. They’re informal. They’re focused more on conversation than they are on structured teaching. However, for all that, the one-on-one is your real chance to foster true change in employees. Because of that, you must get it right. […]
Performance Management Trends to Watch in 2021
Performance management is not static. In fact, it’s evolving at an ever-faster pace. Even the impact of 2020 hasn’t been enough to halt change. As a decision-maker, you must be able to keep up with those changes. They inform how you manage employee performance, how you interact with team members, how team members interact with […]
The Art of Giving Employee Feedback: Tips for Managers to Improve Performance
PM isn’t what it once was. Not that long ago, you might have met with each employee once or twice per year, provided them with a list of complaints (and maybe a couple of compliments) about their performance, and then expected them to act on those. Today, things have changed a lot. Gone is the […]
Tips to Deliver Better Remote One-on-Ones
It can be easy to feel like COVID-19 has turned the world on its ear. That’s particularly true when it comes to managers and their ability to coach their teams. One-on-ones are vastly more effective than traditional performance management tactics in terms of engendering real behavior change, improving employee engagement, and foster real, lasting change […]
Drive Performance Improvement with Better Clarity of Expectations
When you think of performance management, chances are good you picture an annual sit-down between a manager and an employee. They discuss what the employee did wrong in the past year, what they might have done right, and what the company expects of them moving forward. It’s a pretty negative situation overall, which is one […]