Asking What Can You Bring to the Company Is Essential
Asking what can you bring to the company is essential. It is a question you might first get asked in your interview. Once you’re hired, that question may pop up during one-on-one meetings and performance reviews.
You may have your own insight as to what you bring to the company, but are those ideas aligned with the values of the company and what is needed to ensure you reach your full potential? When considering what can you bring to the company, you must first know what the company needs and values.
This article will discuss ways you can show your value in the company and how to assess if what you have to offer works within the core structure of your team. Of course, this requires a clear understanding of what your company values are. To determine this, managers and businesses need to make the first step.
What Are Employers Looking for When Asking What Can You Bring to the Company?
Asking what employees can bring to the company is a bit of a loaded question when the company hasn’t outlined what they’re looking for. In order to answer this, company values must be clearly understood and easily seen within the organization, as well as from the outside.
Essentially, core company values can’t simply exist on a poster in the office. They must be lived on a day-to-day basis by your team. This is the best way to ensure the company is working towards the same goals. It is also the best way for current and potential employees to know if they are on the same path as the company.
Starting From Within: What Employers Must Do
Within your current team, it’s essential to make sure everyone understands the values of the company. Offering learning experiences based on your values is one way to do this. Holding open discussions on each value individually might be the route you choose, or you may wish to address all values at one time.
No matter how you provide the training, it’s vital that everyone is invested. As you work to train your current team, there are three questions you will want to assess.
What does this value mean?
When we talk about a value, the first step is to clearly state what it means, both conceptually and personally. For example, when I say the word “value,” I might be thinking of the intrinsic worth of an object or experience. Alternatively, I may think about how much something is worth in terms of money or other resources. Either way, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what we’re talking about before we can start exploring its implications.
Similarly, when we talk about values in a personal context, it’s important to be clear about what we mean. For example, some people might prioritize family over work, while others might prioritize their careers. It’s important to understand what these priorities mean for us individually and to be able to communicate them effectively to others.
What makes this value significant to our business?
Every business comes with its own set of values that they hold dear. For some, it may be the customer-first mentality. For others, it could be quality over quantity. But what makes these values significant to a business? Why are they so important?
There are a few reasons why a company’s values are so important. The first reason is that they help to guide decision-making. When faced with a difficult choice, knowing what your company stands for can help you make the best decision for the company and its employees. Values can also help to attract new customers and keep current ones.
Having a strong set of values that align with those of your customers shows that you care about more than just making a profit. You’re also interested in providing good customer service and building relationships. Lastly, company values can help to build team morale and unity.
What must others do to uphold this principle?
Mutuality is frequently overlooked, despite the fact that doing so would increase consistency and help you live out your principles. When you examine a value, it ought to reveal both what you can anticipate from the firm and what the company anticipates of you. Even though someone is acting in accordance with their principles, it won’t last if they don’t have the necessary encouragement from others around them.
What Can You Bring to the Company? Working Within the Value Framework
Once you understand your company’s values, you can more accurately answer the question of what can you bring to the company. There are a variety of continued questions you might ask yourself, as well as steps you can take to ensure your alignment works to both your and the company’s advantage.
Participate in the final result: You must assist your company in achieving its ultimate goal if you want to be valued by it. You should measure your own return on investment since the business measures its ROI on you. Concentrate on the tasks that connect back to your bottom line the most efficiently using your time, talents, and resources.
Do not forget that time is money: Your time is the most valuable resource you have, so use it wisely. When you can give the same results with less preparation time, don’t spend eight hours putting together a presentation. Management will respect the substance of your message more than a lot of filler and attractive graphics.
Don’t stand in the shadows: In most cases, your work won’t speak for itself. You have to express yourself. Make sure management is aware of the work you put in and the outcomes you achieve. When it comes time for promotions, a little modest bragging can not only benefit you, but it will also serve to undermine any criticism leveled at you. Give just enough background information, but don’t go on and on about your accomplishments.
Stand behind your innovations: Be ready to defend your ideas and take criticism when you present your suggestions to management. Management will assess your level of excitement for the concept and its viability by challenging you. They are more inclined to endorse your notion if you back it up with credible data and demonstrate some enthusiasm.
Cover yourself: Save all significant electronic data and email. If you’ve ever gotten an email asking you to confirm something, the sender is probably trying to hide something. This is not a negative thing, and it frequently can clear up any misunderstandings in the future. Disk space is inexpensive in comparison to the hassle it may save you.
If you’re working so hard that your employer can’t afford to fire you because of your excellent performance, don’t be scared to say no. Without boundaries, you’ll be stuck on a never-ending treadmill.
Decide where you want to stand: Do you want to be held accountable for your company’s success or failure? In that case, climb the ladder. Do you want to leave work every day at five and not think about it again until the next morning? Consequently, climbing the ladder is not for you. It’s crucial that you carry out your duties to the best of your ability and with satisfaction.
Reach out if needed: If you’re unsure of what you don’t know, ask a professional for guidance. A mentor can provide you with advice on issues you might not have thought about and prevent you from being caught off guard by unanticipated costs or situations. Admit to yourself that you don’t know everything, no matter how difficult that may be.
Don’t forget the power of face-to-face: When you talk to individuals, you have the chance to not only share information with them but also develop relationships with them. As we communicate more and more electronically, our conversations are becoming less intimate. Effective workers must be able to communicate with others and resolve issues. You are worthless if you can’t communicate with them on a personal level.
You are your own best salesperson: You will need a strong sales pitch if you try to introduce a new concept to your firm. Furthermore, you must be ready to sell yourself if you’re striving for a promotion or pay increase. Be prepared to defend your positions and be able to respond to challenging inquiries. Be prepared to back up your arguments with credible research and your own excitement if someone disagrees with you. You’ll sway folks to see things your way in no time.
Don’t fix something if it isn’t broken: Making something better is the sole justification for alteration. Change and progress are frequently conflated in business. Employees are under pressure to make adjustments continually in order to maintain the illusion of production and to demonstrate their value. Set a deadline for yourself so that you don’t waste time on terrible ideas. Additionally, if the strategy, concept, or item you now use works well, leave it alone and focus your efforts on improving the areas that really require improvement.
Don’t forget self-care: A lifetime goes so quickly. Try to avoid bringing your work home with you. You will quickly burn out if you are solely focused on work and not on other things that might bring you joy. Take the time away from work, and you will become a better asset to your team.