Tools for High-Performing Teams
Build a better world with a better team
Creating a Holistic Performance Management System
When you think of performance management, what comes to mind? For too many managers, it conjures up images of performance reviews and not much more. Sure, you might have the occasional one-on-one or check-in, but it’s more a collection of individual parts than anything else. Explore how eLeaP’s Performance Management Platform can simplify evaluations, boost productivity, […]
Onboarding with an Eye Toward Performance: Performance Management Begins with Hiring
For many managers, performance management becomes a consideration well after an employee is hired and completes the onboarding process. That seems to make sense, too. After all, it is hard to manage performance before an employee has had time to adjust to their new role within the organization, the workflows in place, and the tools […]
Shifting the Performance Management Mindset to Lifecycle Management
As a leader, you must have the right mindset to manage employees. Traditionally, that has been a performance management mindset – the focus on improving and then maintaining performance over time. However, while performance is one of the more important elements, it is just one of many. Increasingly, it is becoming important for management to […]
How to Thrive as a Remote Company
You could be forgiven for thinking that we’d be back to life as normal by this point. Most of us were under that impression. However, COVID-19 seems to have other plans, and amid rapidly accelerating cases across the US, even companies that had started to return to the office are once more going remote. The […]
How Leaders Can Support Their Managers in Our New Normal
Employees form the foundation of your organization. Without them, it’s impossible to do what you do. However, the individuals with the largest impact on employee experience and their ability to learn, grow, develop, and thrive, are your managers. In our new normal, managers find themselves faced with a range of new challenges that can be […]
The Key to Manager Effectiveness: Self-Awareness
As a manager, you must be able to work with employees to improve their performance. One way to do that is through one-on-one meetings, but your effectiveness here may be hampered. If you lack self-awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses, it becomes impossible to provide guidance and help employees develop and become their best […]
Remote Work Policy: Designing for Success in the New Normal
At some point, we will stop saying “new normal”, but that time is not now. Too many organizations are still reeling from the impact of the pandemic. Too many leaders are still struggling to come to grips with the remote work world in which they now find themselves. The first step in coming to grips […]
How to Maximize the Value of Your One-on-Ones
Few performance management tools offer the value, traction, and transformative power of the humble one-on-one. Sure, they’re brief. They’re informal. They’re focused more on conversation than they are on structured teaching. However, for all that, the one-on-one is your real chance to foster true change in employees. Because of that, you must get it right. […]
Tips to Deliver Better Remote One-on-Ones
It can be easy to feel like COVID-19 has turned the world on its ear. That’s particularly true when it comes to managers and their ability to coach their teams. One-on-ones are vastly more effective than traditional performance management tactics in terms of engendering real behavior change, improving employee engagement, and foster real, lasting change […]
Increasing the Value of Feedback: Why Employees Should Ask for It
Chances are good that your managers strive to provide at least some feedback to the employees they manage. It might come in the form of annual performance reviews, or maybe you’ve caught up with the evolution of performance management and are using regular check-ins and smaller conversations to help guide employees. Feedback offers a strong […]
10 Tips for Leading and Managing Remote Teams Effectively
Your team members are facing unprecedented challenges as the COVID-19 situation drags on. They’re working from home, dealing with new interruptions and issues, and may struggle to be as productive as they were in an in-office environment. However, we cannot lose sight of the fact that managers are also struggling. They’re faced with new hurdles […]
The Manager’s Guide to Conducting the Best Possible Performance Review
When was the last time you were excited about giving a performance review? More importantly, when was the last time one of your team members was excited to receive one? Chances are good it was never. That makes sense, particularly if you’ve been stuck in the rut doing annual performance reviews. Changing to check-ins and […]